Bloom Sales Competition
1. Sales Volume:
First Place: Team Songcks (Team Leader: Howard Ng, Eaglebrook School, US)
Second Place: Chan 1 (Team Leader: Oliver Chan, Kent School, US)
Third Place: Kaden (Team Leader: Kaden Gan, Radley College, UK)
2. Profit Margin:
First Place: 吉祥三宝 (Team Leader: 李颢洋, 华南师范大学, China)
Second Place: 嘿!卖袜子吗?(Team Leader: 罗梓怡, 沈阳鲁迅美术学院附属中学, China)
Third Place: AM (Team Leader: Cheuk Ling Ng, SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School, HK)
3. Sales Strategy:
First Place: Incredible Sales (Team Leader: 万国亲, 丽江一中, China)
Second Place: Team Songcks (Team Leader: Howard Ng, Eaglebrook School, US)
Third Place: 吉祥三宝 (Team Leader: 李颢洋, 华南师范大学, China)
Huge congratulations to all the teams listed above! These teams showed excellent results and efforts throughout the competition period. Participation in the Bloom Sales Competition requires participants to essentially be running their own charitable fundraising campaign — by no means an easy endeavor!
In addition, the judges have decided to create a new award – the highest contribution award – which is awarded to teams which show the most impressive returns on sales and excellent understanding of their target market.
Highest Contribution Award (in no particular order):
· Team Songcks (Team Leader: Howard Ng, Eaglebrook School, US)
· 嘿!卖袜子吗? (Team Leader: 罗梓怡, 沈阳鲁迅美术学院附属中学, China)
First place teams win a ¥1000 scholarship; Second place teams win a ¥500 scholarship; and third place teams win a ¥200 scholarship. In addition, all participants will be awarded with a certificate detailing the amount of money they raised and the time they spent in the competition's training sessions. Awards and certificates will be distributed after the 12th of January, the competition's award ceremony. All participants are invited to join.
The Bloom Sales Competition is an international competition that serves two goals: to provide young people with theoretical business education and hands-on business experience, and to raise money for the Bloom Education Fund's charitable projects.
The competition starts by providing participants with seminars from senior members of our sponsorship companies and university lecturers. Teams are then supplied with pairs of Happy Socks and have a chance to plan their own sales strategy. Teams have two months to execute their sales strategy, and at the end, they are judged based on their total profit, sales volume, and creativity of sales strategy.
The Bloom Sales Competition has three objectives:
1. To provide students with valuable hands-on sales and business experience
2. To raise funds for Bloom to create a new sustainable annual project
3. To further Bloom’s position on the international stage
The inaugural Bloom Sales Competition was hugely successful; our three goals for the competition were all achieved. Our participants voiced in their competition reports that they all learnt a lot about business, sales, and marketing – subjects which are not touched on in the typical school syllabus. In addition, the Sales Competition raised a lot of money for Bloom’s other projects, and also helped introduce a lot of new faces to Bloom. Finally, through working with various international companies, we have been able to increase Bloom’s exposure on the international stage.
Takeaways (A message from the organizers)
This competition has not only been an excellent learning opportunity for the competition participants, but also for the organizers. Planning of this event took roughly 6 months, and there were many tough decisions and bumps along the way. Our admin team comprised of 7 students from 4 different regions, making coordinating a convenient meeting time extremely difficult. In addition, we faced challenges to do with regional restrictions, such as supporting different currencies, logistics arrangements, and communication methods for participants from different countries/cities. However, through hard work and coordination we managed to overcome all of these challenges. After an experimental first run, the ‘Sales Competition’ fundraising event model has been tried and tested, and interested students will be able to run similar events in the future. Overall, the members of the Bloom Sales Competition Admin are in debt to all of those who have supported the organization of this inaugural event, and we are proud to have made a positive impact on those who have made use of the competition’s offerings!